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  Horse Health: Preventive Care

Every horse owner enjoys the satisfaction of having a healthy looking horse. I think we all can agree, that it just makes you fill good on the inside when everyone at the stable or trail ride is admiring your horse. Well, unfortunately, the outside of a horse is not nearly as important as what is going on in the inside. As a reminder, preventive horse care is essential to a horse's performance and its quality of life. Regular veterinarian check-ups can help address health issues before they become costly emergencies. The most beneficial preventive 
care procedures are:

Vaccinations (every 6-8 months)
Coggins Test (every year)
De-worming (every 8-12 weeks / rotate wormers for effective results)
Dental Care (every 6-12 months and floated as needed)
Nutrition (fresh water, hay, grass, and supplements)

Remember, treat your horse with the love and care it deserves. The better your horse feels, the better your overall horse ownership experience will be...Love your horse and it will definitely love you back!!!