In addition to the National Rules, the following were adopted for District NC02:

Members must keep their NBHA membership current.  

Should a membership lapse for more than 30 days, a member will

Forfeit all work points for the current year.

                                          All Arenas in NC02 District will accept and abide by our rules.

                             NC State  NO Rolling of times 

Sanctioning Fee(s) for all Date(s) that are picked by any Arena will be PAID at the beginning of show season and will be required to send in there show flyer to be posted with there show dates. 

ALL Sanctioning Arenas with NBHA WILL abide by the NBHA rule for NON-NBHA MEMBERS to a FEE of $10.00 at the shows to run. All NBHA members bring your ID cards to ALL the shows. People who help take in entries do not know if you are a member or not. Please write your District on your cards.

Barrel exhibitions should be limited to one (60 sec) minute.  A $5.00 fine should  be ENFORCED.  We will attempt to start on time, however due to unforeseen events or equipment failure; we will sometimes not be able to adhere to advertised times. This and ALL rules apply to ALL Arenas Hosting NC02 Shows and will be unforced.

Be sure to fill out the entire entry form when signing up.  It is not the club’s responsibility to correct the member’s information.  The sign up table will draw for running order. No substitutions will be made without prior approval by director.

To qualify for Year End Awards you must attend 6 of the NBHA sanctioned shows an have your $50 dollars in.  We will try to have 12 sanctioned shows, so if a member can’t attend on certain days this will give them a chance to make the required amount.

Our main source of club news and communication will be sent via electronic mail to lower costs or by our web page. Please provide an email address so that you get all important information concerning your membership. If you do not have an email address, please me know that you need your info mailed.

 It is a member’s responsibility to call to see if a show has been cancelled due to bad weather.  Call the morning of the show ( 207-632-1974 ) or ( 910-281-3914 ).  A message will also be on the answering machine addressing the weather and show cancellations.

   NO ENTRY FEE IS REFUNDED – unless director deems it is necessary per arena conditions.  If for any reason injured horse or otherwise, you need to draw out you must do so before the 1st horse runs in your class.  There will be NO EXCEPTIONS.  Other refunds may be at Directors digression.

During the barrel classes, there will be only one circling of each barrel. No re-circling allowed due to unfairness of other contestants in the same drag. There will be a $15.00 penalty for re-circling a barrel during a class.

State Final, the only requirement to date is that you must have competed in at least 3 shows within one of the Districts within NC as an NBHA member.

Any of these by-laws not adhered to will result in the cancellation or pulling of an Arena show on future dates. 

 A current Coggins is required.  Please bring a copy for the club to copy and keep current on hand.  There will be a notebook that will contain all Coggins obtained and new will replace old. Be Sure to have when asked for. You may be asked to leave.